Decidim Fest 22 — The Future of The Internet · October 13-14 Barcelona Join

News version 0.8.0

 —  releases

New features

  • Results versioning: A new version is generated each time a result is updated, reflecting the changes made. #2206
  • Private conversations: New feature to send private messages between participants. #2186 Clue! To send a message to someone, enter a proposal made by that person and you will find an envelope icon to start a conversation with them.
  • Editing proposals: From the admin you can set a time window in minutes in which a proposal can be edited by its author. Once this has elapsed, the proposal cannot be edited. #2171

Usability improvements

  • Multi-lenguage: It is only mandatory to add content in the default language #2204
  • Assemblies: Assemblies marked "Featured" are shown on the main front cover. #2162
  • Register: The "Register" link is hidden once a user is logged in #2088
  • Propostes: S'ha canviat "Ja li has donat suport" per "Deixar de donar suport" al passar per sobre del botó #2096

Resolution of issues

  • Newsletters: It is not allowed to embed videos into newsletters as emails cannot render them.. #2257
  • Videos: Embedded videos were not displayed correctly #2198
  • Processes: Fixed the Active Processes filter and added the "All processes" filter" #2081