Decidim Fest 22 — The Future of The Internet · October 13-14 Barcelona Join

Metadecidim, our community

A democratic community that manages the Decidim project in all its dimensions

Metadecidim is a community that collaborates in the design of the platform and the construction of the project. Together we can design and develop new features and report bugs for continuous improvement of the platform.
Propose and help define new features
Report bugs and help the developers fix them
Help shape the future of the platform
The Decidim Community during the Decidim Fest 2021
How often is the platform updated?

We release a new version approximately every month. See the record of versions.

I have many doubts, of all kinds...where can I ask them or solve them?

The best way to solve your doubts quickly is through the Metadecidim community. Enter now in the process Support Forum and see if your question exists or if it has been answered and otherwise enter to ask questions. If you can't resolve your problem in this space, maybe it's time to contact us through the contact form.

What is the Social Contract?

That's how we call our Code of Democratic Guarantees and Democratic Collaboration. All members of the community must endorse the Social Contract.

What is the Decidim Association?

The "Asociacion de Software Libre Decidim" (The Decidim Free Software Association) is a democratic association for the governance of the Decidim community. It was founded on February 16, 2019 in an extraordinary assembly of the community, with the approval of the organization statutes.

Try Online — Play around and explore freely the Decidim platform with our online demo. Online demo